Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Getting Through Finals last few weeks of school are the most anticipated yet dreaded days to come ahead for college students. The excitement of finally getting a break after a long and hard year, gets seized by the nerve wrecking thoughts of taking final exams. It becomes even more gut wrenching when you realize that maybe taking on a heavy credit load was overestimating your mental capacity. Fortunately, you have come this far and the end is near. For that reason we have compiled a few tips on how to get through those last restless days so your long awaited break can begin.

Prioritize: There are some subjects that we struggle more with, begin studying with those first that way you have more time to prepare for the exam.

Rewrite notes: According to researchers, writing and rewriting your notes will help with remembering the information. So rewrite your notes from the semester to help you refresh your memory. Also, if your professor has handed out a study guide, you may also want to rewrite the entire guide with the answers.

Flashcards: Create flashcards where you write questions on the front and answers on the back. These are great because they incorporate writing notes to help memorize, they help you reinforce what you don’t know and can be used in groups.

Acronyms:  Do you remember “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas” (M.V.E.M.J.S.U.N.P)? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Nine, Pluto. When you have a list that you need to remember, create a sentence that uses the first letter of each word. This will help you remember how many words you need to remember, what letter they start with and what order they belong in.

Verbalize: After you have all your notes gathered, grab a study partner and verbalize your notes as your partner confirms your accuracy. This will not only help you check where you need extra studying but will also reinforce what you already know.

Study Groups: Create a small study group of 2-5 people. It is best to keep it small so there aren’t excessive distractions. You will also want to study in a group that isn’t full of close friends. This will minimize distractions because friends tend to divert conversations and minimize the productivity of the group.

Seclude Yourself: If you study better on your own, go to a quiet place where you can study such as the library, school or local Park, coffee shops or your town’s waterfront area etc.

Stay Healthy: Although it may seem like an insignificant reminder, remember to stay hydrated and eat well. This will help your body and mind take on the stress, if not your body will wear out quickly. So drink plenty of water and don’t skip any meals due to studying. For the all-nighters, try to keep some healthy snack bars on hand instead of junk food, your body will thank you later.