Monday, September 12, 2016

Keep Calm, You're a HS Senior!

Class is back in session and seniors will soon start to apply to colleges for the 2017-2018 school year. Endless questions will certainly over-flood their minds; Community College or University? Dorm or Commute? In state or Out of state? This all may seem very confusing and overwhelming.Although decisions still need to be made and  situations may get a little stressful, there are a few things you can do to make the experience  go a little smoother.

1. Visit your guidance counselor at the beginning of the year and frequently through out the the remainder of the school year. By doing this you prevent missing any critical deadlines for graduation and college applications.

2. Get a notebook and label it "College Process". Write down important deadlines for college applications, FAFSA and scholarships. Also include a check list of  things that you need to get done and update it regularly. You may also want include important websites and contacts that are crucial for your success during your college process.

3. Go check out a few college campuses (if accessible). Get a group to go and make it a fun trip to hang out with friends. Explore the different campuses, it may help you decide which college environment fits your needs best.

4. Begin asking for recommendation letters, ask for them to be generalized( if possible), and ask for a few copies. This will ensure that you have compatible letters for those last minute applications. 
5. Get familiar with websites such as College Board, Common Application, Petersons, Federal Student Aid, and  of course The Young Christian Leaders Scholarship.

This year is going to be a year of decisions but don't forget to enjoy all the pep rallies, senior activities and senior trips. Spend time with friends and make lasting memories. Congratulations on making it this far, make this year a year to remember!

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