Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Real Students....Real Stories: Nick G. from Levittown, NY

"Real Students...Real Stories" are featured interviews with students designed to give real perspectives on the college experience. Todays interview is with High School senior Nick G. from Island Trees (levittown, NY).

Nick G.
High School Senior
Age: 18

School: Island Trees
State: New York

Rob: What are your top three college choices?
Nick: Five towns College, Hofstra University or Baruch city university

Rob: What are the top things you are looking for when selecting a college?
Nick: Size, students and location.

Rob: Do you want to go away to college or stay home?
Nick: Stay home.

Rob: Do you know what you want to major in?
Nick: Music Business, Audio

Rob: How much does economics influence where you go to college?
Nick: ALOT! College is expensive and money is tight.

Rob: Have you applied for any scholarships?
Nick: Yes. I will also be applying for YCL soon.

Rob: On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst) how scary/intimidating is the college application process?
Nick: 7.6 Papers, exams and being denied doesn't intimidate me. It's just paper.

Rob: On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst) do you feel you are prepared for college?
Nick: 8.7 I have taken AP courses and college classes in high school that are based on a college style.

Rob: What are you looking forward to most about college?
Nick: Finally learning what I want to learn and actually enjoying school.

Rob: What are you looking forward to the least about college?
Nick: Real life.

Rob: What one thing could you NOT survive without?
Nick: iPod

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