Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How To Be Productive Over Winter Break

The end of the semester is looming and Christmas is on the horizon. Once you get past the last major obstacle of final exams, all you want to do is take a well-deserved break. While winter break is a good time to catch up on sleep and hanging out with friends, remain productive by following these tips:

Tune up your resume. Over the past semester, you’ve probably joined a few new clubs, gained more experience, and hopefully raised your GPA. Winter break is a good time to update your resume.

Apply for summer internships/jobs. Once you’ve beefed up that resume, put it to work and start applying for summer internships and full-time positions (perhaps intern at a Personal Injury Law Office). Life gets hectic during the semester so winter break is a good time to fill out those applications. By the time April rolls around and you’ve landed yourself a position, you’ll be thanking yourself.

Get a winter job. You’ll likely have a lot of free time on your hands, so see if you can land a job over the break. Many department stores hire extra workers for the holidays, so a seasonal positional is a great opportunity to help bring in some extra cash.

Set goals for next semester. It’s a good idea to set specific goals that you want to accomplish for the spring semester so that you have a target to shoot for right from the get-go. In addition, it helps to reflect over the past semester to figure out what went well and what didn’t.

Do something you wanted to do during the semester. If there was anything you really wanted to do last semester but didn’t have time for, do it over winter break. Whether it’s going on a road trip or simply reading a novel, take advantage of your free time to accomplish it. You’ll feel more rejuvenated by the time spring semester begins.

Winter break may give you a rest from classes and studying, but a little foresight and effort goes a long way to making the most of your break.

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