Thursday, May 15, 2014

Going Away vs. Staying Home

For every high school senior, one of the most important decisions they’ll face is deciding what college to attend. A big factor in that decision is whether or not they’ll go away or stay at home. There are good reasons for either choice which must be evaluated by  students and their families when preparing for college. Some of the most significant things to consider are:

• Money. This is arguably the largest determinant in the dorming versus commuting debate. In general, students and their families shell out almost $10,000 per year on room & board and other associated costs. Add that to an already expensive tuition rate and the costs add up very quickly.

• Independence. Many students consider independence extremely important, and college is usually the first time a teenager is granted extensive autonomy. Living away from mom and dad teaches students maturity and facilitates the transition from teenager to adult.

• Coping with change. Adjusting to college life is stressful enough, and moving away to unfamiliar territory can make the change much more challenging. Staying at home provides practical and emotional support for students, which may enable them to better cope with the transition.

• Missed opportunities. Living at home generally means less participation in campus activities. Commuter students often report feeling more disconnected from the school than do resident students. For students looking for a complete college experience, staying at home may make them feel like they’re missing out.

College is a new experience for everyone so it should be as rewarding as possible. Each student should consider these details so that they can make the decision that is best for them and their family.

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